Child Custody Battles in Santa Ana: Why You Need an Experienced Divorce Attorney

Posted in CategoryGeneral
  • JOS Family Law 2 weeks ago

    Child custody disputes can be the most challenging part of a divorce. Ensuring that your children’s best interests are protected requires the expertise of a Santa Ana divorce attorney who understands California’s custody laws.

    Types of Child Custody in California

    • Legal Custody: Determines who makes important decisions about the child’s education, healthcare, and well-being.
    • Physical Custody: Decides where the child will live.
    • Joint Custody: Parents share legal and/or physical custody.
    • Sole Custody: One parent has primary custody rights.

    Factors Courts Consider in Custody Cases

    1.    Child’s Best Interests: Stability, parental involvement, and emotional ties are considered.

    2.    Parental Fitness: Mental health, substance abuse history, and criminal records impact custody decisions.

    3.    Child’s Preference: If the child is mature enough, their preference may be taken into account.

    4.    History of Domestic Violence: Any history of abuse can result in loss of custody rights.

    How a Santa Ana Divorce Attorney Can Help

    • Negotiating Custody Agreements to avoid court battles.
    • Ensuring Fair Visitation Rights for both parents.
    • Protecting the Child’s Interests during legal proceedings.


    Child custody cases require skilled legal representation. A Santa Ana divorce attorney can fight for the best possible outcome for your family. Schedule a consultation with JOS Family Law today.


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